My Journey

My name is Kim Spivack, and I am a certified personal trainer, nutrition specialist, and health coach. I have over twenty years of experience in the fields of health, fitness, and nutrition education. 

I began my career as a health and physical education teacher. I’ve taught children and adolescents from ages 5-18. After teaching students, I moved into an administrative role as the health and physical education curriculum specialist, where I both wrote the curriculum and trained teachers.

During this time, I began working on a Ph.D. in education. In the last year of my Ph.D. program, I took a sabbatical from my job as the health and physical education curriculum supervisor to conduct my research and complete my dissertation. At that time, I decided to start personal training to fill in the time when I wasn’t working on my research. 

I realized very quickly that I LOVED personal training and working one-on-one with people to improve their fitness. I defended my dissertation, became Dr. Spivack, had my daughter Taylor (who I named my business after), and made a 180 in my career all in the same year.

After a few years working in a health club, I branched out and created my own personal training company. I was the owner, manager, trainer, marketer, and salesperson all in one. It taught me a lot about operating a small business. I loved my clients and was able to grow the business quickly just by word of mouth. I have a training studio in my home, which I created myself. 

In 2017, I learned about a nutrition-based weight loss company opening in my area that focuses on nutrition. I had a background in nutrition from my teaching and writing curriculum as well as a certification in Precision Nutrition. Many of my personal training clients wanted help with their nutrition, and many also wanted to lose weight. Personally, I missed being part of a team after being a solo business owner for several years. So, I joined the company as a health and nutrition coach. I continued to operate my personal training company as well. 

Eventually, I was asked to open my own branch of the nutrition company. I paused my personal training business to focus on building the new company

Now, I have both extensive personal training and a nutrition/health coaching background. I’ve helped hundreds and hundreds of people get fit and eat better. I’ve trained adolescents all the way to the elderly. I have clients all over the country as well as locally. I can’t express enough how grateful I am to be able to help people improve their health and well-being. 

Now that I have taken you through a very abbreviated story of my past, I want to share where I am today. I completed another certification in Health and Wellness Coaching through Georgetown University. I love to learn, and I suppose a Ph.D. is not quite enough. But really, I wanted to learn more, and it inspired me to take this next step.

I am combining my health and nutrition coaching services with my personal training. My new name is Taylor Made Fitness & Nutrition, LLC. 

If you need a change, a spark, or a fresh perspective, please contact me. I would LOVE to partner with you.

Chat with me.

If you are contemplating what you should do to make changes in your nutrition and fitness, take the next step and contact me!

Success doesn't come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently.